Lady Margot Stories
My first poetry collection is out now!
Divenire is my first book, a collection of poems written in Italian and published by Eretica Edizioni. These poems were carefully selected from a range of works penned between 2016 and 2023. My poetry collection, Divenire, is a reflection of my life experiences and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. Each poem is a hymn to the power of the human spirit and our innate ability to overcome adversity. With themes of love, pain, loss, change and rebirth, I hope my poems will inspire you to embrace your own journey and find the strength to face whatever comes your way.
Valentina Marzulli
As a female poet, I'm passionate about giving voice to the feelings and emotions that we all experience, but may not always be able to express in our everyday lives. I believe that poetry is a way to connect us to our deepest selves, allowing us to process the complex experiences we go through. My writing comes from a deep and personal place. Growing up in a still too patriarchal society, South Italy, my aim is to use poetry as a medium to fight for my female voice to be heard and respected. I've always been drawn to foreign cultures and languages. I bring this multi-lingual perspective to my work, exploring the complexities of the human condition in a way that is both uncensored and deeply authentic. My writing is unapologetic, raw and unfiltered, covering topics such as sexuality, love, pain, and trauma. I believe poetry can heal, spark conversation, and create revolutions. I try to use my words to bring attention to important issues such as body positivity, sexuality, and gender equality. By sharing my own experiences and struggles, I hope to inspire others to do the same, to speak out and use their own voice to make a difference.
Lady Margot Stories
Welcome to Lady Margot Stories, where I share my deepest thoughts and emotions through the power of poetry. As a passionate poet, I strive to express my innermost emotions through each and every piece I create. My blog serves as a personal journal, where I can freely explore and share my feelings with others. My poetry is a reflection of my own personal journey, the ups and downs, the joy and pain. It is an unfiltered and honest expression of my experiences as a woman. I believe poetry has the power to heal, to connect us, and to inspire change. Through my writing, I aim to make people feel seen and heard, to spark conversations that matter, and to inspire others to stand up for what they believe in. Join me on this journey and let's use the power of poetry to make a difference.
by Valentina Marzulli
Lady Margot Stories is proud to present Outsider, a newsletter that celebrates those who live life on their own terms. We live in a world that tries to mold us into conformity, but Outsider is a voice for the ones who don't conform to the status quo. We have curated an incredible selection of content that empowers and inspires our readers to embrace their own individuality.
Dear visitors,
It is a joy for me to share some of my poems and stories with all of you and to engage with other poetry lovers and writers!
As some of you may already know, this is only a side activity for me, a great passion, and I don't earn any money by publishing in this blog. However, it would be wonderful to have the opportunity to get to know my readers, create a trusted community where everyone can express themselves freely and maybe even start some interesting collaborations. Therefore, I would really appreciate if you could help my blog grow by leaving a comment in the Guestbook. Thank you so much for your support!
Mia cara Vale,
è un grande piacere, e un onore, per me scriverti qui, nel tempio della tua scrittura. Innanzitutto voglio complimentarmi ancora con te per la pubblicazione del tuo primo libro: una soddisfazione tanto attesa quanto meritata, e non vedo l'ora di poterlo leggere. Non voglio chiamarlo "traguardo" perché mi dà più l'idea di punto di arrivo; spero invece, e ti auguro con tutto il cuore, che questo libro possa rappresentare per te solo l'inizio, il punto di partenza per il futuro.
Voglio poi dire due cose riguardo la tua scrittura.
Come sai, non sono uno scrittore né tantomeno un lettore incallito. Ho conosciuto il tuo lato da ingegnere diversi anni fa ormai, ma da quando leggo ciò che scrivi, non riesco a non stupirmi di ciò che sei diventata. Le tue parole, semplici, chiare e dirette, riescono a dipingere meravigliosamente i tuoi pensieri e a mostrarci il mondo interiore dei tuoi sentimenti e delle tue emozioni. Grazie all'atmosfera reale che riesci ad evocare nelle tue storie, ho provato per la prima volta il piacere di ascoltare il canto delle cicale tra gli alberi e il crepitio della pioggia sulle loro foglie.
Non smettere mai di condividere con il mondo il tuo mondo.
Un caro saluto,